The Crab, the Scarab, the Unicorn, the Chariot

The Crab, the Scarab, the Unicorn, the Chariot

Time for the Crab to come out of the shell,
The tide has turned – Can you hear the bell?

My Feelings, My Truth I will show to all,
Emerge and See – Answer the Call.



A picture tells a thousand words – though here are some more:

The Crab (Cancer)


Cancer, one of the two great gates of the zodiac, opens the door to incarnation. Cancer admits the soul to Humanity, the door of incarnation in Cancer is preferred as ambition urges us from life to life. This is the secret of rebirth. Eventually disappointed by the worthlessness of earthly gratification we begin to orient ourselves towards the gradual growth of spiritual ambition and the desire for liberation.

Scarab – Creation and Rebirth

Khepri Scarab

Depicted as the God Khepri in Ancient Egypt the scarab beetle rolls balls of dung across the ground, an act that the Egyptians saw as a symbol of the forces that move the sun across the sky. So, Khepri was considered a solar deity. Young scarabs, having been laid as eggs within the dung ball, emerge from it fully formed.

Therefore, Khepri also represented creation and rebirth, and he was specifically connected with the rising sun and the mythical creation of the world. The Egyptians connected his name with the Egyptian language verb kheper, meaning “develop” or “come into being”. (Source: Wikipedia)

Unicorn – Magic, miracles, Purity, Innocence, Enchantment.


“Dreams are the playground of Unicorns.” – Unknown

The pale white unicorn is an ancient symbol for the moon.

This magical and enchanting animal appears to only a rare few and has the ability to bestow magic, miracles and Wisdom to those who are pure of heart and virtuous in their deeds.


Monoceros: Its name means “the unicorn” in Latin, and the constellation represents the mythical single-horned, horse-like creature. Monoceros lies in the northern sky, on the celestial equator, in the quadrant of space allotted to the constellation of Cancer. This identifies it with the northerly sign of Cancer, known as the “Gate of Birth”.

The Chariot – Armored, Self-reliant, Command one’s own destiny

VII The Chariot

In Tarot, the Chariot card number VII, symbolises Cancer. On the battlefield, a chariot is autonomous. It fights alone, not with other troops or cavalry.

The crab moves from one plane to the next (water to land and back again) and the Chariot is viewed as moving likewise, from conscious and unconscious, Earthly to spiritual.

The Chariot is a card of contradictions. It’s about sidewise battles, yet also about full-speed ahead. It’s about the hard exterior and the soft interior, the light and dark, the water and the shore, moon and sun. It is the Sphinx, which is also often a symbol of Cancer, the lion and the man united, a mystery.


This is a message to ALL, for the solitary crab resides in us all.

This is an Emerge-and-See (Emergency)…


5 July 2014 (1)

3 thoughts on “The Crab, the Scarab, the Unicorn, the Chariot”

    1. Thank you Blackscorpion for your kind words. So much appreciated and heart-felt.
      Always good to exchange energy with a fellow Scorpion! Kindest regards, Oka

      In response and also to other messages:

      I have taken a long break from posting for a while as I needed to refocus [centre/centaur] and check in with me and be alone with that… time flies… it has only been one month and a year!

      I genuinely do this from the heart [with best intentions] and the need to question myself, my reasoning, motivation and to recalibrate is vitally important to me.

      Sharing personal thoughts and intentions publicly carries a certain responsibility that can impact many things on many levels. I feel I must speak about this soon in greater detail as I am aware that harm is being caused to many seekers by some who are not in balance; forsaking responsibility and genuinity (quality) for popularity, views, likes, shares, etc. (quantity); More on this soon.

      Briefly, I am a Scorpio Rising conjunct Lilith at the astrological point of Samhain and with Sun and Moon in Cancer I do tend to disappear into dark places for very long periods and desire to stay there! However, when a Scorpio is disturbed, it stings and it stings good! When a crab holds on it doesn’t let go.

      Thank you to all who have enquired about my well being. I needed time to grow and deal with my own shadow before turning my attention to anything else. This is responsibility and has to be done privately and not in the external environment. I know you will all receive this message rightly so, thank you.

      I look forward to sharing so much more soon as the time before us is pivotal, opportune and must be seized… and will be

      With best intentions all ways,


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