Category Archives: Ending

Closure: (Just Like) Starting Over…

“Our life together is so precious together,
We have grown – we have grown”
(Just Like) Starting Over ~ John Lennon

9-12.04.15 CLOSURE
Click on image to enlarge

09.04.2015 – Fire Trine
Moon in Sagittarius (Fire)
Jupiter in Leo (Fire)
Sun, Uranus, Mercury, South Node in Aries (Fire)

As Sun, Mercury, Uranus begin to pull away from the South Node (Our Past) which is moving the opposite way towards Pisces we are (again) being urged to do likewise.

The waning (releasing/letting go) phase of the Moon moves into Sagittarius activating the Fire Trine. All of the ills brought to the surface in recent times – individually and globally – are capable of being transmuted. In alchemy, Fire is considered the primary agent of change. With Jupiter (in Leo) now moving direct the emphasis is on pushing forwards – enough relection – the impetus is now on moving on.

A leap of faith from the Lion’s Head.

We are (arguably) at phase 4 of a 5 stage Cardinal Moon Quarters (Aries took a small share of the first phase – New Moon in Pisces). These points on the ecliptic – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn – represent change, generation, instigation, the new season, etc. (See image)


Pluto comes to a sudden halt on 10.04.2015 (stationed) and awaits its retrograde movement , moving forwards again on 25.09.2015. We now have 5 months respite from pulling out any more ‘darkness’. Goodness gracious it has been tough recently! We now use this time to move away from that which was brought out and recover, transmute, take the venom and create our own anti-venom, etc. Use whatever metaphor works best for You.

As we prepare for the final phase – new Moon in Aries – the energies shift to encourage personal ceremonies or rituals of closure, endings, release, letting go and readying the new seed.

On12.04.2015, utilise the 4th quarter waning moon in Capricorn, making aspects with all but Saturn and Jupiter (see main image).

Where this will fall in your own birth chart will show you where to focus your intentions and make the best decisions for You. Most will know what needs releasing at this time – always trust the in-tuition.

Draw inwards – make way for the next cycle by clearing the way. The waning moon supports the energy of letting go and releasing. This phase is about ending and closure so let it be so. It is not propitious to begin anything new under this influence.,. wait for the New Moon when Jupter is fully surging forwards through Leo the Lion! For now, Spring Cleaning, clear and de-clutter… get rid!

Breakdown Breakthrough Breakout

Remember, the Way In is the Way Out of this ‘game’

Keyhole LightEye Keyhole
The keyhole is shaped like the Pawn in Chess – coincidence?

With unconditional love and best intentions,


The last 5 Moon phases in detail (see previous posts):

5 Moon Phases 20.03.2015 to 18.04.2015