Tag Archives: Chi

Election Day – Who’s in CHARGE?

To all those (in the UK) that chose NOT to vote…

You chose wisely!

Election Who's in Charge
Click on image to enlarge

In this spiritual game we are all (currently) players in on Earth – the pitfalls are many. Here, in the so-called United Kingdom, we bear witness to the second major occult ritualistic ceremony to take place within one week.

Tonight, Thursday 7th May 2015 a general election takes place and many have cast their votes for their chosen electorate. Elections in the UK take place on a Thursday, the allotted day of the week dedicated to the King of the Gods: Zeus (Jupiter), who wields the ultimate power of Lightning and Thunderbolts and in this case the Political and Banking Power of the Vatican (Crown) City Corporation of London.

The US Election usually takes place on a Tuesday (Mardi – Mars – God of War) and is the Military Power of the Vatican (Crown) City Corporation of Washington DC (District of Columbia). The Vatican City itself represents the overall Spiritual Control of the Masses. These three City’s make up the triple crown of control over Man: Spiritual Control: Vatican City; Finance and Political: City of London; Military Power and Enforcement of Policy: District of Columbia (DC), Washington.

When you vote you are choosing no one! The vote is decided long before the election. Surely no one still believes they would be allowed to decide the direction of the hidden hand of control in our world. Think tanks, assemblies, committees and spin doctors make all political, military and spiritual decisions years in advance. And the general public believe they could throw a spanner in the works or spoil the next very carefully planned agenda!

A voter is merely stating on paper with their electric charge (you are an electric circuit) that they require a ‘surrogate parent’ (or in this case ‘evil step-parent’) to decide their fate, come what may. In the eyes of the Elected-Elitists the unlearned, overly-trusting, common man is unworthy of deciding what is best for themselves and their loved ones. You are consenting to being governed by Rome. It has been this way for Centuries.

Choosing not to give away your power (Charge / Voltage) is, individually, the greatest tool of empowerment you wield against darkness. Whilst the general public will snigger at such suggestions (as above), those who operate this vampiric system know very well that more and more power is slipping through their claws as the Great Awakening of Humanity unfolds.

With best intentions,


Stay Centred

Stay Centred…

In these times this is the best advice! But what does it really mean? Here are some thoughts, of my own, but I like to make them mostly with pictures rather than too many words.

Yin Yang Human Zodiac

As children we prefer picture books over word books, why is this so? Maybe because as children a picture resonates with us on a purer level where words can sometimes mislead or hold hidden energies.

With pictures we can now imagine or take whatever meaning we choose and withdraw any significance without having any author (authority) cherry-pick that meaning for us.

This works for me and I encourage anyone reading this to take their own meaning from anything that I ever post. My thoughts are my own and, as an imperfect human, I have and allow room for error and contradiction.

This next picture shows where the zodiac falls (within the human body) and the 2 ways of separation or division through Gemini and Sagittarius.

Centred vs. Division

From this picture, you may choose to see that being centred (between Cancer and Libra) is the least area of separation.

The centre of the Galactic Plane passes through Gemini/Sagittarius at 27 degrees. Merely a coincidence one might say? I think not!

Divine Cross / Galactic Centre and Plane

Looking at the following picture shows that we have all the signs of the zodiac in all of our human bodies. So, to take offence that your sun sign is not highlighted as being centred would be a mistake.

Our birth charts point only to areas we have chosen to ‘work on’ in this existence – it does not represent who or what we are. I should not go into that further here.


Some will get caught in the mind (Aries)

Some will get stuck in the throat (Taurus)

Some will divide in the arms (armour/army/division) (Gemini)

Others continue to…

Breast – Mother – Moon/Waters (Cancer)

Heart – Soul – Sol/Sun (Leo)

Belly – Earth (Virgo)

Kidneys – Balance (Libra)

The wise would remain here and return to the heart for to go on would be to divide (cells divide through sex) and more lessons (less on / division of cells) ensue…

Genitalia – Sex (Scorpio) – Cells and life force depleted = division

Thighs (Sagittarius) – Man/Horse = division

Knees (Capricorn) – Goat/Fish = division

Calves (Aquarius) – Man/Pitcher of Water (emptying) = division

Feet (Pisces) – Fish (swimming away from each other) = division
